Window: pageshow event

The pageshow event is sent to a Window when the browser displays the window's document due to navigation.

This includes:

  • Initially loading the page
  • Navigating to the page from another page in the same window or tab
  • Restoring a frozen page on mobile OSes
  • Returning to the page using the browser's forward or back buttons

Note: During the initial page load, the pageshow event fires after the load event.

Bubbles No
Cancelable No
Interface PageTransitionEvent
Event handler property onpageshow


This example sets up event handlers for events listed in the array events. The handler, eventLogger(), logs the type of event that occurred to the console, and includes the value of the persisted flag on pageshow and pagehide events.


const events = [
  "pagehide", "pageshow",
  "unload", "load"

const eventLogger = event => {
  switch (event.type) {
    case "pagehide":
    case "pageshow":
      let isPersisted = event.persisted ? "persisted" : "not persisted";
      console.log('Event:', event.type, '-', isPersisted);
      console.log('Event:', event.type);

events.forEach(eventName =>
  window.addEventListener(eventName, eventLogger)


<p>Open the console and watch the output as you navigate to and from
this page. Try loading new pages into this tab, then navigating forward
and backward through history, noting the events' output to the log.</p>



HTML Standard
# event-pageshow

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also