
The XRJointPose interface is an XRPose with additional information about the size of the skeleton joint it represents.

XRPose XRJointPose


XRJointPose.radius Read only

The radius (distance from skin) for a joint.


Using XRJointPose objects

Call XRFrame.getJointPose() with an XRJointSpace and an XRReferenceSpace to get an XRJointPose object.

navigator.xr.requestSession({optionalFeatures: ["hand-tracking"]}).then(
  // ...

function renderFrame(session, frame) {
   // ...

   for (inputSource of session.inputSources) {
      if (inputSource.hand) {
        let indexFingerTipJoint = inputSource.hand.get("index-finger-tip");
        frame.getJointPose(indexFingerTipJoint, referenceSpace); // XRJointPose


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Browser compatibility

No compatibility data found for api.XRJointPose.
Check for problems with this page or contribute missing data to mdn/browser-compat-data.

See also