
The getRootNode() method of the Node interface returns the context object's root, which optionally includes the shadow root if it is available.




options Optional

An object that sets options for getting the root node. The available options are:

  • composed: A boolean value that indicates whether the shadow root should be returned (false, the default), or a root node beyond shadow root (true).

Return value

An object inheriting from Node. This will differ in exact form depending on where you called getRootNode(); for example:

  • Calling it on an element inside a standard web page will return an HTMLDocument object representing the entire page.
  • Calling it on an element inside a shadow DOM will return the associated ShadowRoot.


The first simple example returns a reference to the HTML/document node:

rootNode = node.getRootNode();

This more complex example shows the difference between returning a normal root, and a root including the shadow root. (See the full source code):

<!-- source: -->
<div class="js-parent">
  <div class="js-child"></div>
<div class="js-shadowHost"></div>
  // works on Chrome 54+, Opera 41+

  const parent = document.querySelector('.js-parent'),
      child = document.querySelector('.js-child'),
      shadowHost = document.querySelector('.js-shadowHost');

  console.log(parent.getRootNode().nodeName); // #document
  console.log(child.getRootNode().nodeName); // #document

  // create a ShadowRoot
  const shadowRoot = shadowHost.attachShadow({mode:'open'});
  shadowRoot.innerHTML = '<style>div{background:#2bb8aa;}</style>'
      + '<div class="js-shadowChild">content</div>';
  const shadowChild = shadowRoot.querySelector('.js-shadowChild');

  // The default value of composed is false
  console.log(shadowChild.getRootNode() === shadowRoot); // true
  console.log(shadowChild.getRootNode({composed:false}) === shadowRoot); // true
  console.log(shadowChild.getRootNode({composed:true}).nodeName); // #document


DOM Standard
# ref-for-dom-node-getrootnode①

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser