
The replaceChild() method of the Node element replaces a child node within the given (parent) node.


replaceChild(newChild, oldChild);



The new node to replace oldChild.

Warning: If the new node is already present somewhere else in the DOM, it is first removed from that position.


The child to be replaced.

Note: The parameter order, new before old, is unusual.

Element.replaceWith(), applying only to nodes that are elements, may be easier to read and use.

Return value

The replaced Node. This is the same node as oldChild.


HierarchyRequestError DOMException

Thrown when the constraints of the DOM tree are violated, that is if one of the following cases occurs:

NotFoundError DOMException

Thrown if the parent of oldChild is not the current node.


// Given:
// <div>
//  <span id="childSpan">foo bar</span>
// </div>

// Create an empty element node
// without an ID, any attributes, or any content
const sp1 = document.createElement("span");

// Give it an id attribute called 'newSpan' = "newSpan";

// Create some content for the new element.
const sp1_content = document.createTextNode("new replacement span element.");

// Apply that content to the new element

// Build a reference to the existing node to be replaced
const sp2 = document.getElementById("childSpan");
const parentDiv = sp2.parentNode;

// Replace existing node sp2 with the new span element sp1
parentDiv.replaceChild(sp1, sp2);

// Result:
// <div>
//   <span id="newSpan">new replacement span element.</span>
// </div>


DOM Standard
# dom-node-replacechild

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also