
The WEBGL_multi_draw extension is part of the WebGL API and allows to render more than one primitive with a single function call. This can improve a WebGL application's performance as it reduces binding costs in the renderer and speeds up GPU thread time with uniform data.

When this extension is enabled:

  • New methods that handle multiple lists of arguments in one call are added (see method list below).
  • The gl_DrawID built-in is added to the shading language.

Note: This extension is available to both, WebGL 1 and WebGL 2 contexts.

In shader code, the directive #extension GL_ANGLE_multi_draw needs to be called to enable the extension.

This extension enables the ANGLE_instanced_arrays extension implicitly.



Renders multiple primitives from array data (identical to multiple calls to drawArrays).


Renders multiple primitives from element array data (identical to multiple calls to drawElements).


Renders multiple primitives from array data (identical to multiple calls to drawArraysInstanced).


Renders multiple primitives from element array data (identical to multiple calls to drawElementsInstanced).

Shader extension

Note: Although the extension name is named WEBGL_multi_draw, the extension must be enabled with the #extension GL_ANGLE_multi_draw directive to use the extension in a shader.

When this extension is enabled, the gl_DrawID built-in can be used in shader code. For any multi* draw call variant, the index of the draw i may be read by the vertex shader as gl_DrawID. For non-multi* calls, the value of gl_DrawID is 0.

<script type="x-shader/x-vertex">
#extension GL_ANGLE_multi_draw : require
void main() {
  gl_Position = vec4(gl_DrawID, 0, 0, 1);


Enabling the extension

WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.

let ext = gl.getExtension('WEBGL_multi_draw');

Drawing multiple arrays

Example calls for ext.multiDrawArraysWEBGL() and ext.multiDrawArraysInstancedWEBGL():

// multiDrawArrays variant
// let firsts = new Int32Array(...);
// let counts = new Int32Array(...);
ext.multiDrawArraysWEBGL(gl.TRIANGLES, firsts, 0, counts, 0, firsts.length);

// multiDrawArraysInstanced variant
// let firsts = new Int32Array(...);
// let counts = new Int32Array(...);
// let instanceCounts = new Int32Array(...);
  gl.TRIANGLES, firsts, 0, counts, 0, instanceCounts, 0, firsts.length);

Drawing multiple elements

Example calls for ext.multiDrawElementsWEBGL() and ext.multiDrawElementsInstancedWEBGL().

Assumes that the indices which have been previously uploaded to the ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER are to be treated as UNSIGNED_SHORT.

// multiDrawElements variant
// let counts = new Int32Array(...);
// let offsets = new Int32Array(...);
  gl.TRIANGLES, counts, 0, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, offsets, 0, counts.length);

// multiDrawElementsInstanced variant
// let counts = new Int32Array(...);
// let offsets = new Int32Array(...);
// let instanceCounts = new Int32Array(...);
    gl.TRIANGLES, counts, 0, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, offsets, 0, instanceCounts, 0,


WebGL WEBGL_multi_draw Extension Specification

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also