
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.

The XRLightProbe interface of the WebXR Device API contains lighting information at a given point in the user's environment. You can get an XRLighting object using the XRSession.requestLightProbe() method.

This object doesn't itself contain lighting values, but it is used to collect lighting states for each XRFrame. See XRLightEstimate for the estimated lighting values for an XRLightProbe.

EventTarget XRLightProbe



Event handler property for the reflectionchange event.

XRLightProbe.probeSpace Read only

An XRSpace tracking the position and orientation the lighting estimations are relative to.





Fired each time the estimated reflection cube map changes. (This happens when the user moves around and the environment's lighting changes.)


Getting an XRLightProbe object for a session

Use the XRSession.requestLightProbe() method to get a light probe.

const lightProbe = await xrSession.requestLightProbe();

Getting a probe pose within an XRFrame

Pass the light probe's probeSpace to XRFrame.getPose() to get a light probe for a pose.

const probePose = xrFrame.getPose(lightProbe.probeSpace, xrReferenceSpace);

Using the reflectionchange event

Pass XRLightProbe to get a reflection cube map whenever the reflectionchange event fires. See also XRWebGLBinding.getReflectionCubeMap().

const glBinding = new XRWebGLBinding(xrSession, gl);
const lightProbe = await xrSession.requestLightProbe();
let glCubeMap = glBinding.getReflectionCubeMap(lightProbe);

lightProbe.addEventListener('reflectionchange', () => {
  glCubeMap = glBinding.getReflectionCubeMap(lightProbe);


WebXR Lighting Estimation API Level 1
# xrlightprobe-interface

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also