XRLightProbe: reflectionchange event

The WebXR reflectionchange event fires each time the estimated reflection cube map changes. This happens in response to use movements through different lighting conditions or to direct changes to lighting itself. This event is not cancelable.


Use the event name in methods like addEventListener(), or set an event handler property.

addEventListener('reflectionchange', event => { })

onreflectionchange = event => { }

Event type



Using the reflectionchange event

Whenever the reflectionchange event fires on a light probe, you can retrieve an updated cube map by calling XRWebGLBinding.getReflectionCubeMap(). This is less expensive than retrieving lighting information with every XRFrame.

const glBinding = new XRWebGLBinding(xrSession, gl);
const lightProbe = await xrSession.requestLightProbe();
let glCubeMap = glBinding.getReflectionCubeMap(lightProbe);

lightProbe.addEventListener('reflectionchange', () => {
  glCubeMap = glBinding.getReflectionCubeMap(lightProbe);

The onreflectionchange event handler property

The reflectionchange event is also available using the onreflectionchange event handler property.

lightProbe.onreflectionchange = event => {
  glCubeMap = glBinding.getReflectionCubeMap(lightProbe);


WebXR Lighting Estimation API Level 1
# eventdef-xrlightprobe-reflectionchange
WebXR Lighting Estimation API Level 1
# dom-xrlightprobe-onreflectionchange

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also