
The onsecuritypolicyviolation property of the GlobalEventHandlers mixin is an event handler for processing securitypolicyviolation events.

The securitypolicyviolation event fires when there is a Content Security Policy violation.

Note: In practice you must use the implementation of this property in a top level object (i.e. Window or Document). While the property exists in HTML elements, you can't assign a handler to the property until the elements have been loaded, by which time this event will already have fired.


onsecuritypolicyviolation = functionRef



A function name, or a function expression. The function receives a SecurityPolicyViolationEvent object as its sole argument.

Only one onsecuritypolicyviolation handler can be assigned to an object at a time.

For greater flexibility, you can pass a securitypolicyviolation event to the EventTarget.addEventListener() method instead.


This code shows a very simpler top-level handler set on Window that logs a value in the event to a text area (the same approach will work with a Document). Note that in this case the Content-Security-Policy value, which is set using a meta tag, allows the 'unsafe-inline' script to run, but the image cannot be loaded.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="en">
     <title>Examples CSP error on page load</title>
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
     <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'none'; script-src 'unsafe-inline';">
     //Assign function to onsecuritypolicyviolation global handler
     window.onsecuritypolicyviolation = function(e) {
       const log_area = document.getElementById("log");
    <h1>Image loading should fail</h1>
    <label for="log">Blocked URI</label>
    <textarea id="log" rows="2" cols="50"></textarea>
    <img src="HTTPRevved_fix_typo.png">


HTML Standard
# handler-onsecuritypolicyviolation

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also