
The read-only XRWebGLLayer property antialias is a Boolean value which is true if the rendering layer's frame buffer supports antialiasing. Otherwise, this property's value is false. The specific antialiasing technique used is left to the user agent's discretion and cannot be specified by the web site or web app.


let antialiasingSupported = xrWebGLLayer.antialias;


A Boolean value which is true if the WebGL rendering layer's frame buffer is configured to support antialiasing. Otherwise, this property is false.

When the WebXR compositor is enabled, this value corresponds to the value of the antialias property on the object returned by the WebGL context's getContentAttributes() method.

Usage notes

Since this is a read-only property, you can set the antialiasing mode only when initially creating the XRWebGLLayer, by specifying the antialias property in the XRWebGLLayer() constructor's layerInit configuration object.


This snippet checks the value of antialias to see if it should perform additional work to attempt to compensate for the lack of antialiasing on the WebGL layer.

let glLayer = xrSession.renderState.baseLayer;
gl.bindFrameBuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, glLayer.framebuffer);

/* .. */

if (!glLayer.antialias) {
  /* compensate for lack of antialiasing */


WebXR Device API
# dom-xrwebgllayer-antialias

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also