
Warning: This property has been replaced by the break-before property.

The page-break-before CSS property adjusts page breaks before the current element.

This property applies to block elements that generate a box. It won't apply on an empty <div> that won't generate a box.

/* Keyword values */
page-break-before: auto;
page-break-before: always;
page-break-before: avoid;
page-break-before: left;
page-break-before: right;
page-break-before: recto;
page-break-before: verso;

/* Global values */
page-break-before: inherit;
page-break-before: initial;
page-break-before: revert;
page-break-before: unset;




Initial value. Automatic page breaks (neither forced nor forbidden).


Always force page breaks before the element.


Avoid page breaks before the element.


Force page breaks before the element so that the next page is formatted as a left page.

Force page breaks before the element so that the next page is formatted as a right page.


If pages progress left-to-right, then this acts like right. If pages progress right-to-left, then this acts like left.


If pages progress left-to-right, then this acts like left. If pages progress right-to-left, then this acts like right.

Page break aliases

The page-break-before property is now a legacy property, replaced by break-before.

For compatibility reasons, page-break-before should be treated by browsers as an alias of break-before. This ensures that sites using page-break-before continue to work as designed. A subset of values should be aliased as follows:

page-break-before break-before
auto auto
left left
right right
avoid avoid
always page

Formal definition

Initial valueauto
Applies toblock-level elements in the normal flow of the root element. User agents may also apply it to other elements like table-row elements.
Computed valueas specified
Animation typediscrete

Formal syntax

auto | always | avoid | left | right | recto | verso


Avoid a page break before an element

/* avoid page break before div elements of class note */
div.note {
    page-break-before: avoid;


CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
# page
Proposals for the future of CSS Paged Media
# page-break-before

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also