
The hwb() functional notation expresses a given color according to its hue, whiteness, and blackness. An optional alpha component represents the color's transparency.


hwb(194 0% 0%) /* #00c3ff */
hwb(194 0% 0% / .5) /* #00c3ff with 50% opacity */


Note: The HWB function does not use commas to separate it's values as with previous color functions and the optional alpha value needs to be preceded with a forward slash (/) if specified.

Functional notation: hwb(H W B[ / A])

H (hue) is an <angle> of the color circle given in degs, rads, grads, or turns in CSS Color Module Level 4. When written as a unitless <number>, it is interpreted as degrees, as specified in CSS Color Module Level 3. By definition, red=0deg=360deg, with the other colors spread around the circle, so green=120deg, blue=240deg, etc. As an <angle>, it implicitly wraps around such that -120deg=240deg, 480deg=120deg, -1turn=1turn, etc.

W (whiteness) specifies the amount of white to mix in, as a percentage from 0% (no whiteness) to 100% (full whiteness).

B (blackness) specifies the amount of black to mix in, also from 0% (no blackness) to 100% (full blackness).

A (alpha) can be a <number> between 0 and 1, or a <percentage>, where the number 1 corresponds to 100% (full opacity).


CSS Color Module Level 4
# the-hwb-notation

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser