
The WebGL2RenderingContext.getActiveUniforms() method of the WebGL 2 API retrieves information about active uniforms within a WebGLProgram.


any gl.getActiveUniforms(program, uniformIndices, pname);



A WebGLProgram containing the active uniforms.


An Array of GLuint specifying the indices of the active uniforms to query.


A GLenum specifying which information to query. Possible values:

  • gl.UNIFORM_TYPE: Returns an Array of GLenum indicating the types of the uniforms.
  • gl.UNIFORM_SIZE: Returns an Array of GLuint indicating the sizes of the uniforms.
  • gl.UNIFORM_BLOCK_INDEX: Returns an Array of GLint indicating the block indices of the uniforms.
  • gl.UNIFORM_OFFSET: Returns an Array of GLint indicating the uniform buffer offsets.
  • gl.UNIFORM_ARRAY_STRIDE: Returns an Array of GLint indicating the strides between the elements.
  • gl.UNIFORM_MATRIX_STRIDE: Returns an Array of GLint indicating the strides between columns of a column-major matrix or a row-major matrix.
  • gl.UNIFORM_IS_ROW_MAJOR: Returns an Array of GLboolean indicating whether each of the uniforms is a row-major matrix or not.

Return value

Depends on which information is requested using the pname parameter.


var uniformIndices = gl.getUniformIndices(program, ['UBORed', 'UBOGreen', 'UBOBlue']);
var uniformOffsets = gl.getActiveUniforms(program, uniformIndices, gl.UNIFORM_OFFSET);


WebGL 2.0 Specification
# 3.7.16

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also